Helping brands
Find their Logo!

helping brands
with their...

Find your Design PACKAGE

The logo packages are our standard offerings, but I’m more than happy to customize these to suit your needs. 


Standard Design

+ 5 point questionnaire
+ 1 concept and mood board
+ 2 rounds of revisions
+ 1 Primary Logo
+ 1 Secondary Logo
+ 1 Brand Mark
+ 1 Page Branding Guideline
+ 2 Social Graphics
+ A final files in print and digital formats
+ 1 Custom color palette
+ 1 Typography styling
+ A right of usage agreement


Premium Design

5 point questionnaire
+ 1 concept and mood board
+ 2 rounds of revisions
+ 1 Primary Logo
+ 1 Secondary Logo
+ 1 Brand Mark
+ 1 Animated Logo
+ Up to a 4 Page Branding Guideline
+ 4 Social Graphics  
+ A final files in print and digital format
+ 1 Custom color palette
+ 1 Typography styling
+ A right of the usage agreement

Additional graphic elements, which may include: 
+ 2 Brand pattern or icon
+ 1 Website favicon
+ 1 Email signature
+ 1 Instagram & Facebook profile images
+ 3x Instagram highlight covers
+ 3x Instagram editable templates

Work with My approach

Focus on what matters and partner with solutions

It all starts with a logo design.

Beckwith Creative is a reflection of my wanting to create a boutique creative studio that specializes in helping organizations craft lasting custom and memorable logos, websites, and graphic design projects. My belief is that powerful visuals complete the full story of an organization, giving the world an instantly recognizable symbol of the goals, values, and mission.

My mission is to help organizations better represent themselves through a guided process of strategizing, building, and managing branded materials. By helping businesses and organizations craft compelling visuals and designs, you stand out in the marketplace and provide a lasting impression on customers and clients.

The design process

Illustration used as icon representing one of four key principles to how the agency functions in the design process. Explore is the image.


Contact me and within 24 hours I’ll have evaluated and reached out to schedule a time to discuss your project. 

Illustration used as icon representing one of four key principles to how the agency functions in the design process. Scope is the image.


Together we will establish timelines, milestones, level set expectations, and outline cost structure. 

Illustration used as icon representing one of four key principles to how the agency functions in the design process. Develop is the image.


Great opportunity to share your ideas, assets, direction, and/or inspiration. 

Illustration used as icon representing one of four key principles to how the agency functions in the design process. Final Delivery is the image.


Upon approvals we’ll finalize and hand-off all assets and documents to you.

YOur solid choice....

You're top of mind

When the work created evokes a feeling with your brand we all thrive. The pursuit of a higher visual standard through useful, well crafted, functional, and what just works systems is my focus. Through endless creative energy, it’s a natural push of focus towards projects that attracts attention and drives a response.

you have a problem

What I’ve learned throughout my career, everything done revolves around the branding system. I design logo’s, visual identities, motion and graphics with effective listening skills and a solution based approach. Your questions are the focus and with experiences, the openness to new approaches, and skills foundationally rooted together we’ll find resonating solutions.

you want process

Understanding your business needs is part of the process and together we’ll carefully plan a strategy all the while providing you with design solutions. From promotional and event materials to motion graphics, my focus is pointed towards the details all the while seeing the larger picture. 

your Content
Drives creative

It’s privilege to work with new clients and view each connection as a partnership. Let’s talk about your sale pitches, marketing collateral, or one off projects. Collectively let’s grab your content and make compelling materials for engaging conversation.  

What they say....

John Kirkpatrick

V.P., Digital Marketing

“….designing powerhouse for our lean team at Next Glass and tackled a lot of different projects thrown his way with precision. From establishing refreshed brand guidelines and lead gen. focused digital ads to direct mail and video. I would love if our paths crossed again someday.”

Carolyn Chan

Director, Brand Design

“…impressed our team and senior executives with his creativity, technical design skills and commitment to producing best-in class design work for our organization…elevated the quality of design work that our team provides to both our clients internally and externally…”

Victoria Ruff

Senior OTT Partner Manager

“…excelled with unique client creative requests, from quick-turn digital banner creations to skilled creative art direction. We have access to a number of creative designers but I always like working with Jamie because he does the best job against the tightest deadlines.”

Byron Nash

Creative Director Motion 

“…Strong designer…use of color and typography is impressive…takes time to fully develop the look and fleshes out the brand in detail.”

ready to help you?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Reach out to us today and get a complimentary business review and consultation.

Schedule a Call today....

You’ve made it this far and after seeing the service offerings you must have at least three questions. So, let’s grab 15 minutes to discuss your design gaps, struggles, and the process. How does a visual strategy align with marketing efforts and capturing solutions? Let’s talk.